
Origin: Central and South America

Latin Name: Nasua nasua

Habitat: Humid Amazonian rainforests and grasslands / bushy areas

Diet: Vertebrate prey including lizards, rodents and small birds.  Also fruit and birds eggs

Lifespan: Up to 15 years

Average Size: Weight: 8 kg, Height:30 cm


Coatimundis are a medium sized mammal only found on the American continent.  There are four different species, the most common of which is the ring-tailed coati.  They have thick, tan coloured fur and black bands running along its tail.  They have a slender heard with a slightly upturned nose, small ears and a long tail.  Female coatimundis live in groups of between 10 and 30 individuals, known as a band.  The male is a solitary animal and only comes together with the females to mate.  They can have up to seven babies at any one time after a gestation period of only three months.